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Dr. Maddy Day combines the best of a therapist, nutritionist and life coach…”

“Dr. Maddy Day helps you get to a better place so you can make better decisions for yourself…”

Her experience as a doctor helps you understand how the body responds to stress…

Click Here for a Complimentary Health Evaluation

Are you completely fulfilled? Are you the healthiest, happiest version of yourself? Are there areas of your life that could be improved?  Whether it’s weight loss, increased energy, deeper relationships, or improved libido, Maddy Day’s Well & Balanced Health Program can help you discover your best self.  

This isn’t a cult, a fad diet, or the latest exercise trend.  Well & Balanced Health is a comprehensive, uniquely tailored program that helps you identify and tackle your obstacles and pathologic patterns. Through talk therapy, nutritional counseling, and focused accountability, you will achieve your ideal life!

Nutrition isn’t just the food we consume. How with think, the way we move, and the health of our relationships each contribute to our body’s nourishment. Our work, the way we schedule our day, who we interact with and how, all affect us deeply. Ultimately, our diet, our experiences, and our relationships comprise our life’s nourishment.  If one or more of these is out of balance, we develop detrimental patterns that leave us stressed, depleted and hungry for fulfillment.

Package 1
3 months, 6 sessions (45 – 60 min duration), text and email support. Contact to schedule FREE 30 minute health assessment.

Package 2
6 months, 12 sessions (45 – 60 min duration), text and email support, books and materials. Contact to schedule FREE 30 minute health assessment.

Package 3
Retreat Package (Cost Varies).

Dr. Maddy Day offers transformational Wellness Travel Experiences, helping you implement healthy living into your everyday lifestyle. We believe that travel is a powerful way to find and balance yourself more completely. New environments heighten your awareness, allowing mental space for you to make the change you desire and deserve. Choose your time frame and destination of choice. Incorporate yoga, barre, massage, and detox, and/or clean eating as preferred. We can craft the ideal package to support your health needs.

When you buy a retreat package with Dr. Maddy Day, you’ll receive a complimentary consultation to address your health needs and goals. Create an experience with your favorite people or book a private Well & Balanced Health Retreat with Dr. Maddy Day!